For the past 10 weeks we have been caring for six beautiful foster kittens via Forever Friends Animal Rescue. These three remaining ones are still looking for their forever home.
They are absolutely gorgeous and their characters have really developed and they love lots of cuddles too! ….
Meet Sherbert
she says “Hi I’m Sherbert
I am as sweet as little Sherbert granules, but can burst out at a moments notice and chase my brothers tails.
I may be a lady, but I can rough and tumble with the best of ’em!
My tabby stripes are very cute, especially the ones on my back. And I’ve also just discovered that I’ve got a tail!
Pick me for your household, and you’ll enjoy a lifetime of laughs and cuddles.
X from supa sweet bubbly crackling tingly fizzy Sherbert”
You can see her Pet Rescue listing here:
This adorable sister and brother duo are on the lookout for a home and loving family that they can go to together!
Meet Smartie
He says “Hi.. I’m Smartie…. and I’m a real Smartie!
Originally named after english confectionery (the equivalent of M&M’s). I am a highly ingenious kitten, who can solve all complicated problems. I’m not ashamed to say I am an extrovert, and I have a fascination with sniffing, picking up and generally relocating humans socks! You could say that I have a sock fetish!
I can sort out all your washing in minutes.
I don’t just play, I love cuddles too!
Your life isn’t complete without having me around our home.
X Smartie”
You can see his Pet Rescue listing here:
This adorable sister and brother duo are on the lookout for a home and loving family that they can go to together!
Finally …
Meet Crunchie
He says “Hi I’m Crunchie
I wear white pantaloons to go with my dappled waistcoat.
I was named after the British chocolate bar.. All scrumptious on the outside, all honey sweet in my heart!
I was the first to learn from my brother Smartie how to steal foster daddies socks from the clothes airer. I sneak them into places he will never find them, that’s why they call me the cat burglar!
Please let me into your home, and I can play with your socks all day every day!
I also love catching bottle tops and ping pong balls … I am the magpie of the kitten world … So make me the centre of your world too!
X Crunchie”
You can see his Pet Rescue listing here:
If you are interesting in adopting any of these gorgeous kittens, just click their pet rescue listing to find out more!
Vanessa 🙂