I recently had the pleasure of meeting Chooy, a well-loved equine companion to Jackie. Chooy has been in the ‘family’ for about 18 months now, and has been an ideal first pony. She is 25 years old, and is now enjoying her twilight years in a country retirement retreat.
She is very gentle and loving, but also a tiny bit stubborn … which is obviously entirely understandable, given her maturing years. Chooy loves Apples and Carrots as treats, is less keen on ‘hard food’, but she loves the simple things in life – like grass … lush green grass :o) Her special talent is the ability to simultaneously cough and fart – omg did I just write that ?!?! Of course, Chooy has lots of horsey friends other than her extended family, which definitely distracted her sometimes, when she is called in the paddock.
We have a lot more equine stories on these pages, so please keep checking in to see who we have met next. In the meantime, if you would like to see you and your family members (human or equine) in wonderful photographic art pieces, then please give me (Vanessa) a call on 9562 5003. We would love to hear from you, and put together a fun-packed and creative equine photography session. You can also contact us using our simple online form.
Cheers, Vanessa
Pony Photography Melbourne